To our Community of WashU Leaders:
We can support St. Louis through our WashU missions. Each day, we dedicate ourselves to meaningful work that improves lives and makes a positive impact on society. Whether you are a senior leader or emerging leader growing with the university, it is important you find meaning and purpose at WashU.
Our WashU United Way Campaign is currently underway. Help us reach our goal by Nov. 19 for our United Way Rally!
Your support of the Campaign helps us make a positive difference in the lives of those in need in the St. Louis region. Be a champion and encourage your teams and colleagues to give to this important cause.
Hear from university leaders on why they give to this worthy cause.
To learn more about leadership giving, visit the WashU United Way website.
Pledge today at
Do you want to get involved or start a community service effort in your department?
Civic engagement is central to our university mission. There are so many areas on campus with expertise and a passion to help us carry out what it means to be WashU FOR St. Louis. Here are a few opportunities for civic engagement to consider:
Get immersed in the St. Louis community – you and your teams can volunteer at a United Way organization. View information and volunteer opportunities available through
American Cancer Society Associate Board of Ambassadors
The American Cancer Society Associate Board of Ambassadors is the premier collection of emerging leaders, advocating for the American Cancer Society and dedicated to eliminating unnecessary deaths and suffering from cancer globally in the 21st century.
From social events to informational series talks, the ABOA leverages resources of the American Cancer Society to further change the course of cancer while equipping the next generation of leaders with tools to impact true change through key leadership skills.
To learn more about joining ABOA, visit their Facebook group page or contact Amanda Pope, who serves on the Executive Council of ABOA as WashU’s Ambassador and as the American Cancer Society’s Survivor Advocate.
Epworth Children and Family Services – Holiday Giving
Brighten the holidays for children, youth, and families in the St. Louis area. You and your teams can adopt a family and give back this season.
Learn more at
Thank you for your support in helping the people of St. Louis thrive. Together, we can strengthen our community.