Our search process is robust, yet flexible. We strive to customize each engagement based upon the unique needs of your Office or Search Committee and the position for which you are hiring.
Our search process typically has five distinct phases.
- Conduct face-to-face interviews with the Hiring Manager and key stakeholders to understand the key goals, objectives, and challenges of the position and the culture of your office/team.
- Develop customized marketing documents (Position Profile) that will be shared with interested candidates.
- Sourcing strategy is created and a campaign is launched via professional associations, social media platforms, and targeted universities/organizations
- Consultant screens all resumes/CVs selecting most qualified for phone screens
- Biweekly update calls and held to keep stakeholders apprised of search progress
- Resumes are presented to Hiring Manager to get feedback and “calibrate” the candidate profile
- Final slate is developed
- Hiring Manager selects candidates for round 1 interviews
- Round 1 interviews are scheduled with selected candidates via Skype
- Draft questions are developed and sent to Hiring Manager for approval
- Coordinate with department admin support to schedule interviews
- Debrief with interview team and candidates post interview to gauge interest level
- Hiring Manager narrows the field to finalist candidates (2-4)
- Second 2 interviews are scheduled and initial references are checked
- Debrief with Hiring Manager and candidates; a finalist is selected
- Additional reference checks are conducted on finalist
- Draft offer letter is developed and sent to hiring manager for approval
- Verbal offer is made by consultant/hiring manager
- Offer letter is sent; once accepted, close out search in TAM and begin onboarding
- Consultant stays in contact with candidate at regular intervals until start date