In addition to providing employees with priority access to WashU physicians, Washington University offers a number of health care resources to help support you and your family.
Dedicated UnitedHealthcare Nurse Advocate

Meet your UHC Nurse Advocates
Our UHC Nurse Advocates, Bridgette Sims and Debra Welch, provide confidential assistance for all WashU employees or their dependents.
UnitedHealthcare Tools and Resources

Find multiple resources for you and your family offered through UnitedHealthcare, include online account access, fertility solutions, gender dysphoria information, and more.
Prescription Drug Coverage

Prescription drug benefits are included as part of your health care package when you are enrolled in a university health plan.
Don’t have time to go to the pharmacy? Home delivery of your maintenance prescription medications is a covered service under all of the WashU medical plan options and is available through Express Scripts at a reduced cost when compared to retail pharmacies. Express Scripts Home Delivery (PDF)
Medical Coverage for International Business Travel through GeoBlue

Register at
WashU Group Access Code: QHG99999WUBT
For questions about registration or medical coverage, call 1-888-412-6403 inside the U.S. or 1-610-254-5830 outside the U.S. More Information.
Unum Emergency Travel Assistance
When you are traveling 100 miles or more from home, worldwide emergency travel assistance is available to WashU employees through Unum. Before you leave, simply download and activate the Assist America mobile app (activation code: 01-AA-UN-762490). Travel assistance is also available by calling 1-800-872-1414 from within the U.S. or +1-609-986-1234 from outside the U.S.