To Management Councils and Leadership:
A Manager Memo regarding the COVID-19 vaccination policy was sent Friday, June 25 to area management. As noted, all employees and trainees are required to get and provide proof of their COVID-19 vaccination by August 30.
To follow Friday’s manager memo, we are covering the following topics:
- Preview of a communication to all employees and trainees regarding vaccination policy and proof of vaccination
- Communication to employees without a record of vaccination
- Revised pay policy
- Resources to support managers
A communication will be sent to all faculty, staff and trainees regardless of their vaccination status tomorrow, July 1. The email asks employees and trainees to check their vaccination record in ReadySet, confirm status, upload vaccination documentation or get their vaccine. View the communication and share with other management in your area so they are aware.
Following the all-employee communication, HR will begin emailing any employee and trainee with no record of vaccination or approved exemption. These emails will go out weekly from HR. View the HR email here.
University schools and departments received an invitation to a Box file containing names of employees with no vaccination record in ReadySet. Area managers are asked to follow up with the employees and trainees listed. Your communication should be short and to the point – reiterate the policy, remind employees of the deadlines and ask them to submit proof through ReadySet. Remember, do not ask employees to explain why they have not been vaccinated.
Please remember: Faculty and staff who fail to obtain a vaccine and submit documentation or receive an approved exemption by August 30 will be prohibited from accessing Washington University facilities and will be subject to unpaid suspension for up to 30 days. If vaccination or exemption has not been obtained by the end of the 30-day period, the individual will be subject to further measures, including termination of employment.
View the previous manager memo for key dates and deadlines related to the COVID-19 vaccination, including the deadlines for obtaining a two-dose vaccine.
As part of the policy implementation, new hires hired after July 26 will have up to 30 days from their hire date to upload their documents, receive a vaccination or have an exemption approved. Hiring managers should ensure that all new hires are aware that the new policy is in effect. New hires will not be considered out of compliance until the 30-day grace period is complete.
A revised pay policy will go into effect Sept 1 related to COVID-19. Under this policy, the following circumstances will be paid as follows:
- Self-quarantine or medically directed quarantine of the employee for COVID-19 related reasons – use sick or vacation time (if sick is not available). This is inclusive of physicians ordering the quarantine of employees who are expectant mothers immediately prior to delivery for COVID-19 related reasons.
- Diagnosis of COVID-19 for the employee – use in the following order: sick or vacation time (if sick is not available), in conjunction with FMLA/STMD
- A diagnosis of COVID-19 for a family member – use in the following order: sick or vacation time (if sick is not available) in conjunction with FMLA/Caregiver.
- If receiving the COVID-19 vaccine during the workday – Pay regular time.
- If an employee has side-effects from the COVID-19 vaccination and absence is medically approved by Occupational Health (within 48 hours of receiving the vaccination) – use Regular Pay (Administrative Leave in Workday).
- If an employee has an extended absence or medical issue related to receiving the COVID-19 vaccine, then Workers’ Compensation may apply.
- Childcare responsibilities for children who were sent home due to school closing – use vacation or establish a flexible schedule arrangement with your supervisor to fit your circumstances
Note: we no longer pay regular pay if the employee becomes ill with COVID-19 or is quarantined due to COVID-19. These are now covered by sick or vacation time, in conjunction with FMLA/STMD.
More resources:
- Guidance for managers on having difficult conversations
- Manager memo from June 25 with key dates, deadlines, new hire information and more compliance details
- COVID-19 Vaccination policy
- COVID-19 Vaccination FAQ
At WashU, we are privileged to have world-class infectious disease, public health and medical professionals supporting our community. A town hall hosted by Eva Aagard, MD, Senior Administrator of Occupational Health and Vice Chancellor for Medical Education will take place via Zoom on July 9 regarding the COVID-19 vaccination. Details will be sent to all employees in the communication tomorrow.
Together, we can keep our community healthy and safe. Thank you for your support.