
Manager Memo #3

To help you lead your departments through the difficult and pressing circumstances related to the impact of COVID-19, please review these important manager messages and share with other managers in your areas. The manager memos, along with resources are posted on the HR website.

These regular updates to management provide guidance on key issues related to supporting staff and operations, recognizing that circumstances continue to evolve.

Please note that unlike other manager memo‘s, this message is only being sent to Danforth Management Council members. You can share this message with members of your management team as you deem appropriate.

Today’s Manager Memo focuses on:

  • Clarification on regular and special time off pay
  • FY21 Salary Planning
  • Employee well-being

Special pay no longer available.

Update Regarding FY21 Salary Planning

The University will not be awarding merit salary increases on July 1, 2020. Selected units may be able to award limited salary increases later in the year.

Other compensation related decisions include the following:

  • The University will, as previously announced, increase the University minimum wage to $13.80 per hour on July 1, 2020 and meet any contractual obligations with its vendors.
  • Salary increases for faculty promotions on the Danforth campus will be awarded.
  • Salary increases associated with staff promotion will be granted only if the increase has been previously offered and accepted prior to this date.

Employee well-being

The COVID-19 pandemic presents a range of challenges and stressors in our personal and professional lives. Support is available to help employees cope and manage their well-being.

Employee well-being survey 
The Healthy Work Center at Washington University, led by Dr. Bradley Evanoff, is partnering with Human Resources to better understand the personal and family challenges that have resulted from the impact of COVID-19. Faculty, staff and postdocs were sent a short (10 minute) survey that asks about work and family stresses people have experienced due to the coronavirus. Survey results will help gauge employee well-being during this epidemic and inform future university programming. The survey is anonymous.

Mental well-being
Mental health resources range from one-on-one counseling, crisis support and support groups to online webinars, tools, app’s and resources. A special Coping with COVID hotline is available to healthcare workers and essential personnel for in-the-moment emotional support. Please share the attached flyer with your employees, or hang in your work area if you have employees onsite. View mental health resources, and read the article, written by a WashU Psychiatry faculty member, on “eight issues people are experiencing” in coping with the impact of COVID-19. 

Online learning and development Zoom sessions
Our HR Learning and Development program is offering special Zoom sessions in the “Virtual Learning Room”. These sessions cover topics such as managing through change and adaptability, and are offered every Tuesday and Thursday at 2 p.m. Course registration and other learning tools are available on the employee well-being hub.

Recognizing staff
Along with other events that have been cancelled for the remainder of FY20, Danforth Staff Day and Service Awards and the School of Medicine Service Award ceremonies have been delayed and plans will be announced later in the year. We continue to find ways to show appreciation, recognizing the incredible work of our employees. From employees on the front lines to those supporting COVID-19 efforts, along with staff adapting to remote operations, we value our community’s ability to adapt and step up for the greater good. As a part of this effort, please note the new “Care and Connection” initiative focused on sending support and cards to employees on the front lines, as well as the recognition hub honoring employee contributions.

View complete well-being details and programming on the HR website.

Thank you for your continued flexibility, resilience and support.

Legail Poole Chandler
Vice Chancellor for Human Resources
Washington University in St. Louis