Where Washington University employees learn, plan, and connect. Additional resources and inspiration for career planning.

Advice and Inspiration

Let Your Life Speak: Listening for the Voice of Vocation, by Parker Palmer
Inspiring words about following your true internal voice for career guidance—a must read.

The Crossroads of Should and Must, by Elle Luna
Inspirational essay about what following our internal voice, what we “must” do to find our “calling,” not just our “job” and “career.”

12 TED Talks that will change the way you think about your career
Inspiring and pragmatic—hear stories about success, frustration, authenticity, and much more.

25 Inspirational Quotes about Career Development
Wisdom and inspiration from successful, curious individuals.

Composing a Life, by Mary Catherine Bateson
Insight on personal and professional development from a great American writer and anthropologist.

The Power of Vulnerability, Brene Brown
A courageous and inspiring TED talk about transforming fear into opportunity.

The Top 10 Economic Facts of Diversity in the Workplace
Learn more about the benefits of a diverse workforce.

Self-Exploration and Critical Reflection Exercises
Further self-assessment about work, transitions, and leadership to help your career planning.

Does Work Make You Happy? Evidence from the World Happiness Report
The World Happiness Report takes a close look at the relationship between work and happiness.

How to Talk to Your Boss About Your Career Path
Practical advice about having those sometimes difficult conversations with your manager about a stalled career.

Owning Your Own Future, Thomas Friedman
Stop learning and you could find yourself without a job.

What to Do When Your Heart Isn’t in Your Work Anymore, by Andy Molinsky
Strategies to get unstuck from your current role before turning to another job or career.

Free Yourself From What You “Should” Be Doing, by Andy Molinsky
Make decisions based on a clear understanding of the difference between your “comfort” zone and “compliance” zone.

Don’t Spend Your Life Making Up Your Mind, by Mark Chussil
How long are you going to wait to listen to your true voice?

Increase your self-awareness with one simple fix, by Tasha Eurich 
An informative Ted talk about insight and self-awareness, including stumbling blocks to accurate self-understanding.

Resources and Tools

Forbes Magazine Top Career Websites
Top career websites—tools and strategies that target industries, cities, and demographic groups.

ATD Career Development Blog
Career advice from the Association for Talent Development

The Muse Career Advice
Advice, articles, guidance, practical tips for all career questions.

T-Shaped Professionals
A widely used model of skill development that considers breadth and specialization.

Change Your Career Without Having to Start All Over Again
Advice for executives on reinventing and rebranding yourself.

Courses and Workshops

Lead Your Career Success 
Attend this workshop to learn how to take control of your career.

Career Development
An eight-week University College course that offers a personalized approach to career planning.

Understanding Career Development

Essential Life Skills
Articles and strategies on personal and professional development.

The 70:20:10 Model for Learning and Development
Where does most of your career and professional development actually occur?


The Source
For direction and inspiration, the one-stop-shop for WashU events, stories, and achievements.