Resilience: Managing The Risks Of Everyday Living

June 16, 2022
9:30 am - 11:00 am
Virtual Session
Dates OfferedTimeLocationTarget Audience
June 16, 20229:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.Virtual Classroom via ZoomAll WashU Managers (with at least one staff direct report)

Resilience is a personal choice and acquired skill. Psychologists say resilience, a noun, is a process of adapting well in the face of adversities, traumas, tragedies and threats. Significant sources of stress can be a family relationship, a health or workplace event and financial stressors.

Resilient people are emotionally capable of managing the risks and challenges of everyday living. This is in spite of the setbacks they feel/experience, the barriers they face and often with limited resources. Resilient people turn uncertainty into understanding for themselves and those who depend on their leadership.

Author W. Dyer says, “If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” We will offer practice strategies for developing choices and the smart skills of resilience.

Facilitator: Edie Varley

Edie Varley is a speaker, advisor, educator and the founder of The Varley Group where she drives an outcome-based mission to transform human potential into constructive contribution. In her practice, she uses systems thinking initiatives to identify needs and establish outcome-based objectives. Her work has benefited individuals and corporations – from privately held to Fortune 500 alike.

Prior to founding The Varley Group in 2000, she served for 25 years in the business of chemical manufacturing where she started in sales and ultimately led the company as CEO and owner. During her tenure, Edie helped people find the meaning in their work and the value in their contribution and as CEO led the company to double-digit net operating profit.

Edie earned her undergraduate degree and MBA (OLIN) from Washington University.

An important note: Our goal in Learning and Development is to create the same level of rich engagement in our virtual classroom as we do in our in-person classes. Therefore, the day of the session:

  • Ensure you’re in an environment that will allow you to participate fully! This will be an interactive session and your contribution is important.
  • Turn off your email and phone notifications to avoid distractions.
  • Be camera ready! Participants are expected to have their cameras on during the entire session.
  • Have a pen and paper ready.
  • Log in early to the session through the Zoom link.

Once registered in Learn@Work, you will receive a Zoom invitation for the date/time selected; instructions will be included in the invitation.

Contact Carla Bailey or Ashley Gibson

All programs are subject to change.

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