Funeral Time

Regular full-time and part-time employees scheduled to work 20 hours or more per week may be allowed up to three (3) days off, including the day of the funeral, without loss of pay, for a death occurring in the immediate family. Funeral leave is to be requested when time off is required during scheduled work hours. Immediate family, for the purpose of this policy, includes a spouse, domestic partner, child, stepchild, grandchild, parent, stepparent, parent-in-law, daughter-in-law, son-in-law, brother, sister, half brother or sister.

In the case of the death of an employee’s own grandparent, great-grandparent, great-grandchild, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, stepbrother or stepsister, aunt, uncle, nephew, niece or first cousin, only the day of the funeral may be granted as a day without loss of pay.

It is the employee’s responsibility to notify his or her supervisor of the absence. Funeral leave may be granted on more than one occasion during the year. Funeral leave will only be time off with pay from regularly scheduled work.