If you expect to be absent from work for more than three days in a row due to your own illness, injury or healthcare need; or you need time off to care for a family member you can request a leave of absence.
Who Should I Inform of My Absence From Work?
It is your responsibility to contact Unum. You must notify your manager and Unum 30 days prior to a scheduled leave or as soon as possible (e.g. within 24-48 hours) after an unscheduled leave begins.
What Information do I Need to Provide to Unum?
- Your full legal name, social security number or employee ID number, home address, phone number, date of birth and marital status
- WUSTL’s Policy #: 714055
- Occupation (or job title), Supervisor’s name
- Your last day worked and your first day absent from work due to your leave/claim request and the day you plan to return to work
Be prepared to provide Unum with your anticipated date of leave, last day at work and, if the absence is due to your own medical condition, your physician’s name and phone number.
It is critical that you read all documentation from Unum and respond promptly to requests for information from your Unum leave/claims manager. Unum, not Washington University, manages, approves and, depending on the reason for your leave, pays the claim based on medical information.
Your Responsibilities during a Leave of Absence
Keep in close contact with your Unum leave/claims manager. If your leave is due to your own medical condition, it is your responsibility to ensure that your treating physician(s) provides the required information to Unum within the required timeframe.
Keep your manager informed of leave start and end dates and any changes. Your manager may contact you periodically to inquire about the duration of your leave and your return to work status. They may also inquire about your well-being and ask brief work-related questions.
- You are not required to share medical condition details with your manager. You should keep them informed regarding leave start and leave end dates.
- You should not perform work duties while out on a leave of absence. Your manager is responsible for disabling access while you are out.
You do not have the option to elect to use sick or vacation time instead of contacting Unum to request a leave. You are, however, required to use all sick and vacation to cover periods of unpaid leave. If you are absent due to your own health condition other than the birth of your child, after seven calendar days (the elimination period), your WashU pay is reduced to 40% paid from sick or vacation accruals. You must request Short-term Medical Disability (STMD) from Unum in order to be eligible for the 60% STMD benefit.
Return to Work
Notify your manager and Unum of the date you plan to return to work.
If you think you may need an ADA accommodation in order to return to work, notify Unum and your manager. Your manager will work with WashU HR to determine if the request can be met.
If you work a reduced schedule due to a disability or return to work from a disability on a reduced schedule, you must notify Unum, your manager and the WUSTL leaves team at mytimeoff@wustl.edu.
If you have been away from work for more than 3 working days due to your own health condition, you must return one of the following prior to returning to work:
- Return to Work Form (available at https://hr.wustl.edu/policies/forms/ or via email from mytimeoff@wustl.edu)
- Physician Statement on doctor’s letterhead
- Barnescare Statement (absences involving Workers’ Compensation)
Your return to work documentation should be returned by email to mytimeoff@wustl.edu and/ or faxed to 314-362-4923.
Why is return to work documentation necessary?
- To protect you and ensure that you are fully able to return.
- To document any required restrictions so that these limits can be considered and adhered to or accommodated if possible.
- To protect co-workers / peers and anyone that may come in contact with you.
- To assure that the university is placing your health in a position of priority.
What If I Need More Information?
You can contact Unum at 866-371-5723 or the WashU leave team at mytimeoff@wustl.edu.
Other Resources
The Work-Life Solutions (EAP) is a helpful resource that provides confidential counseling sessions to manage stress and help you cope with personal or relationship concerns. Call 844-365-4587 for more information.