Take a moment to bring peace & love to yourself.”

Meg Krejci
WashU Mindfulness & Wellness Consultant

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Experience Mindfulness

Butterfly garden meditation mindful outdoor experience
Mindful movement at your desk, 6 points of the spine
Mindful movement to support stress relief and tension

Meditations: Take a Minute or Two

A Mindful Bite
Awareness of Hands
Breathing into Anxiety
Checking In
Heart Meditation
Just Be Quiet
Making Friends with your Brain
Mind the Gap
Smiling Breathe
The Art of Breathing
Where are My Feet

Everyday Mindfulness: How am I?

Be where you Are
Deep Sorrow and Grief
Restlessness and Letting Go

Building deeper Connections

Be Still and Embrace Silence
Visualize Peace
Sit in Nature
Resonance Breathing 
Rest, Deep Relaxation, Sleep

Reading Poems

Peace by Dorothy Hunt
Guest House by Rumi
Who Turns by Karen Miller

Mindfulness and Classical Music

Clair de Lune Moonlight
by Claude Debussy
Symphony No.40 in G minor,
Fugue in G minor
by Johann Sebastian Counterpoint in Action

Guided Imagery

Mind Wandering
Mountain Meditation
The Wave
Underwater Sea Adventure
Waterfall of Light

Timed Meditations

1 Minute Meditation
2 Minute Meditation
5 Minute Meditation
10 Minute Meditation
20 Minute Meditation

Managing Stress

Breathing Space
Morning Practice 
Body Scan 

Mind Body Stress Reduction Series (MBSR)

Awareness of Breathe
Mindfulness of Thoughts
Open Awareness
Mindful Eating Raisin
Mindful Walking
Loving Kindness
Physical Sensations
Short Body Scan
Sitting Meditations on Sounds
R.A.I.N.  Sitting with difficult emotions
Sitting with Difficult Sensations – PAIN