A visiting learner is an individual who is granted access to Washington University in St. Louis to use or observe laboratory or clinical facilities and equipment or other specialized resources, and is not employed by, contracted with or affiliated with its colleges or medical school as a student, staff or appointed faculty member.  Washington University is committed to fulfilling its mission of providing educational and research opportunities. 

This process fully resides in and is initiated through the business office of each department or school. The guidelines contained in this website are in place to ensure that the business offices and their leaders can lead this process and experience a successful outcome for all.

Non-WU Affiliated Student Packet

Student: an individual with a documented affiliation agreement on file, receiving college credit for the time spent at the university on campus or remotely.

Visitor/Observer Packets

Visitor/observer: an individual granted access to the university to view facilities or procedures, not employed by or affiliated with the university as a student, faculty member or employee.

Medical Apprenticeships

WashU’s Medical Apprenticeship programs provide on-the-job training as you work as an employee toward earning a national credential of a medical assistant or medical administrative position. Learn more online.

Medical assistants (PDF)


Contact the appropriate business office or email the HR Visiting Learner team, formerly the non-appointee team, at visitinglearners@wustl.edu.