We are pleased to provide resources for employees who may be responsible for caring for an older adult. Multiple WashU and national programs are available to support you or your loved one’s needs through a variety of tools.
- WashU’s Older Adult Assessment Program assists employees and their families in navigating the complex issues sometimes associated with aging through comprehensive, team-based assessments and recommendations.
- As the technological divide continues to expand, Generations on Line provides training to older adults about using technology for learning, sharing resources and staying connected. Free apps are available for both Apple and Android devices, and offer tutorials for help with specific tasks, such as navigating Medicare and Social Security websites.
- Telephone communication can also be difficult for older adults with hearing loss, which may lead to greater social isolation. Qualified individuals can receive a caption phone, a special telephone with an attached screen that converts the conversation into a large font text format, at no cost. Visit the DailyCaring webpage for more information.
Don’t forget you can always access resources for older adults on WashU’s Family Care Hub.